03. Generative (En)Closures, Bubbles, and Magic Circles: A Chat about Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality and Religion by Bruce Alderman

  1. Generative (En)Closures, Bubbles, and Magic Circles: A Chat about Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality and Religion by Bruce Alderman with Edward Berge and Layman Pascal

Reply below!


Hey @rbruce11. Reading your article I realized that the notion of G(En)C well describes the metaphysics beneath my work on OPO (open participatory organizations). So, there ya go!

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Hi, @bonnittaroy - that’s cool! I have the feeling there really is some ‘collective intelligence’ at work in our adjacent circles (with your work, Pattern Dynamics, the deep dialogue discussions, etc), and maybe it’s time we peek over each other’s fences a little more. What can I read of yours that would be the best overview of OPO?

P.S. I like G(En)C – which I am pronouncing “Gen-See.” Thanks for the cool acronym!

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You must be dreaming of electric sheep!

I have glossed over this generative essay and hope to have a response for you soon @rbruce11…though my responses tend to be of the de-generative sort.

Wondering if you’ve read Emerson’s “The Circle”…? We have a recent thread on the work that you might find to burst some boundaries.

Yep, but I’m not sure if that makes me an android…

I will check out the Emerson thread. Boundaries are made for bursting. But first boundaries must be made.