11. The Intersection of Pattern Dynamics and Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality: What Brings Us Together? David MacLeod interviews Tim Winton

  1. The Intersection of Pattern Dynamics and Integral Post-Metaphysical Spirituality: What Brings Us Together? by David MacLeod interviews Tim Winton

Reply below!


David and Tim, I really enjoyed your conversation. When I was reviewing and proofreading your transcript for this issue, I kept thinking how complementary what you were describing was to some of the themes explored in my “Generative (En)closures” piece, and how it would have been good to collaborate or at least head-huddle a little before offering our respective contributions… But there’s still time for some head-huddling! I’d be interested, for instance, in a “Pattern Dynamics” translation of some of the concepts and dynamics discussed in my (dialogical) essay, and just exploring together what factors contribute to generative (and “deep dialogical”) spaces.

hmm…maybe a recorded zoom conversation between y’all to be posted on IPS and this site…some day??!

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Thanks Bruce! I look forward to reading your contribution. I remember from the Ning forum discussions on Generative (En)closures that I felt there were some interesting parallels with PatternDynamics that could be further explored, so it should be a rich conversation!

Sounds like an excellent idea Tom!