And then it gets Weirder...

I hear you, Katina, and I dont feel comfortable with being a Christian. I am a brother to Christ. And for me, Jesus, is a human being, a superb poet who also knows how to make cabinets and tables and chairs. Tenderly, sweetly, Jesus is calling…

And how many times, in the dark, when I didnt know where to turn, have I recited the 23rd psalm? I dont pretend to know what it means but I have been lifted up out of the darkness into light ( and I mean this literally!)

I always objected to my well educated post modern friends who didnt think scriptures are interesting. I always felt that the sound of the verse, the rhythm, of the King James version, stabilized me, and the great church music, from Bach to Gospel, always got me back on track. There is a balm in Gilead…