Cosmos Café: Archetypal Cosmology - [9/11/18]

During our talk, I mentioned another thread where we were discussing the concept of objective reality. In fact, I was misrepresenting that thread because the actual term used there was ‘objective value’—which, even though that’s just a way of saying “a value which is objectively real” and is thus related, it is not exactly what we were talking about in the Café. Here is where that reference came from:

The Life Divine – Reading Group, Session #8 (Beginning Book Two) [7/26] - #22 by fmdolan

Interestingly, however, in the Life Divine chapter I read tonight, I found is a line which reflects more closely what we discussed regarding projections and the ‘objective correlative’ of a living cosmos.

It is true that there is no such thing as an objective reality independent of consciousness; but at the same time there is a truth in objectivity and it is this, that the reality of things resides in something that is within them and is independent of the interpretation our mind gives to them and of the structures it builds upon its observation. These structures constitute the minds’s subjective image or figure of the universe, but the universe and its objects are not a mere image or figure. They are in essence creations of consciousness, but of a consciousness that is one with being, whose substance is the substance of Being and whose creations too are of that substance, therefore real. In this view the world cannot be a purely subjective creation of Consciousness; the subjective and the objective truth of things are both real, they are two sides of the same Reality. —The Life Divine, Part Two, Chapter XV, paragraph 14