Consciousness Seminars planning thread

Awesome. In pencil, then:

Tuesday seems to be ideal, so if Nov 14 works, I can put in for the half-day. The following ‘slots’ work according to the above feedback.
12 PM / 2 PM / 8 PM
1 PM / 3 PM / 9 PM
2 PM / 4 PM / 10 PM

@madrush: The later the better for me to have a chance to get home and set up, but it’s understandable if you want to run it close to the time already dedicated to Cosmos Café. Unless something happens, I shouldn’t be more than 15 minutes late for a 2 PM session. I say you make the final time pick as we still rely on you for the tech side.

Indeed, there are times when time must simply be made! LOL
Thanks, everyone.