Cosmos Café [10/22]– Generative Conversations

Quick example: @KPr2204 spoke of her first observations when coming across our Infinite offerings and after participating in the Parable of the Sower event, said “I felt like I was sitting under the columns of the Parthenon. Next time, I’m wearing a toga!” She (and we often “feel”) that we are so close to each other, that we are on the cutting edge of the highest of conversations to be had, not because we are so wise and knowledgeable…but because we know a solid community when we experience one. The only trouble: it is not really a community we can touch; the physical architecture just isn’t there.

We generate such grand signals on this site. The noise: it is the demands of the weighty world that deafen our ears to the calls of the senses, of a sense of sense, of a basic sanity that ought to be a basic right of the commons. I would love to step out of my abode and spend time with you John, just a few feet away, intrigued by the latest weirdness that crept your way last night. Would love to have you teach my children what Reality really is…

I will try to take a look at the recording before tomorrow’s gathering. I am more interested in what you three offer in the recording. Peter Kingsley, in all of his deep insights, seems to be stuck in his own critical world that he shuns in his writing (thinking of his extensive footnotes and harshness towards those less scholarly than he…he does his share of scapegoating). I would like to know what you all extracted from reading and interpreting his offerings. I think I have tuned back into the signal that makes the most sense to me, and you all play an important role in that. I need you all in my life and want to develop a further sense of trust amongst each other. Yes, we cannot be there when the abrupt clatter and chatter overwhelms us. But any one of us can be conjured like an egregore as we incarnate the visions of the other in our seances together.

For your sanity John: I will make a solid effort, now that personal and work demands have lessened, to have the Cafe theme available by Friday. Weekend preparations invite transparency and clarity.

For tomorrow: I am willing to have a generative conversation. I left the convo early and missed the Turkish invasion start-up discussion. Personally, I would like to be better informed on worldly affairs. I would like to hear from others in last weeks discussion (@achronon and @madrush) as to what they would like to have happen.