Cosmos Café -- Deja vu all over again ... or another spin of the wheel? [2023-01-26]

Thanks for the link to the talk, I really enjoyed it, especially when it got more personal toward the end of the talk. Relationships with the dead are or can be incredibly rich and, as one of the speakers said, it is tragic when people dismiss the possibility and miss out on beautiful and challenging aspects of a real relationship with friends, family and even people we’ve never met, know only through their art/writing. Many of my Muses are artists/poets who died long ago. I do also have Muses who are not human…such as many kinds of birds, animals, plants, and elementals, eg, the moon, the sea, the stars…
Tarot readings became a familiar event in my life when I was with my partner, Charlie, who was a Tarot reader in our community, held gatherings every FUll Moon at Midnight. His method was very eclectic and intuitive, not following any one approach, and tailored to each person who asks a question. I am a novice/non-practitioner, but because of Charlie, I know there is something real there. He had more than a dozen decks, including the Native American one, which was among my favorites…