Generations I

Hi everyone ~ I really enjoyed this talk; I listened to it twice. I think you’re onto something with the idea of generating a movement in the direction of a plausible pleroma—one which has operational integrity (can be replicated by others, is unenclosed) and also which allures as so much better than what appears to be systemic reality.

The question of whether we need a planetary scale “maximal stress” event to catalyze the necessary re-organization of everything I think basically is already answered—just not evenly distributed. Whoever gets the message, “Evolve or die,” is in this camp.

But then there’s another message—which doesn’t come from the future, as much as from the distant past, and that’s that in order to evolve consciousness, a profound relaxation is necessary, an embrace of the non-linear. This is the meditative path to the pleroma, which doesn’t reveal itself at the end of history, but rather through the infinite within—the weird frontier.

So on the one hand, a generative agent finds oneself in virtual maximal-stress mode, hyperaware of the metaphorical comet streaking through spacetime on a collision course with the Earth: cause for urgency. On the other hand, the only way to develop the cooperative ethos called for in collectively facing our divine doom is to relax into a deeper/wider identity than the extant individual, nation, or tribe.

The relaxation part is key because the planetary that’s required can’t be forced by one small part of humanity on another. That’s “globalization.” Moreover, the planetary is not the opposite of the local, particular, or cultural—one’s identity is multidimensional, fractal. So we need to allow for myriad forms of self-expression, not all of which can be neatly integrated. Time is different as well, and I would submit that the future (in which linear time is recontextualized on the order of both vast and intimate quantum cyclical dynamics) will involve us in a “Cosmic time” regime, which (for us moderns and never-have-beens) represents a whole new horizon.

I think crafting actual alternative structures on small enough scales that we can get the logic right is really important—this is what I see us doing here. We can then experiment with generating realities at different scales. I have no deep desire to propagate dumb meme culture, but I agree there must be a way to create real functional alluring attractors for the kind of social, cultural, and ecological relations (or simply, world) we’d prefer to live in. I believe the way to do this is to systematically incarnate the pleroma that attracts; do your art and make social-economic choices from that place.

This is also like making music and learning to play a new tune. For what it’s worth, again, I really enjoyed your quartet and hope to hear the quintent next time, or whatever other ensembles these dialogues generate. Myself: I have been focused lately on generating poetry and money, in that order. I look forward to jamming with you when the timing is right. So far, I feel I probably have more to learn than to contribute in this context.

That said, as an editor for Metasychosis, I am quite interested in publishing some writing and artwork on the theme of generative realities and related topics. We could also come up with ways to more efficiently propagate whatever ‘outsights’ you can communicate from your research.

A follow-up talk where Davor gets to complete his overview sounds in order—and I would also be happy to work with Doug in getting a dedicated page up for the series, so that the talks get a nice archive that can be accessed more easily and distributed more widely.

I’ve trimmed and leveled the audio from the one above, so you can share the direct link with anyone who wants to listen to the converation: