Cosmos Café - Music Edition

yes…my time online is reserved for dedicated focus periods. Patterns have changed and personal routines do not open up to life online. I believe it may be a phase. Dilemma is the appropriate term!
What I have gained from my time away:

  • I have taken up watercoloring
  • I sleep more and dream more frequently
  • time in nature is more pure (no pressing need to take each insightful thought and share it with my online family here…again a dilemma…you all need to know about my life; you all do not need to know…it is enough to know that we are all okay whether posting or not)
  • I write a daily letter to my son before he goes to school (often using my amateur watercolor as background image)

I love that you have a sci-fi production. And to the doubt of its worth: crush the doubt! Toss it in the wastebasket! :woman_playing_handball:t5: :wastebasket: The dedication and routine around your work speaks of its worth; Your writing is engraved in my heart-mind-soul-body and I believe you are received well wherever your words may be placed.

I sense that most all of us on this beautiful cooperative effort have reached the edges of our participatory prowess.

In addition to letters to my son, I have written many letters to “the Cosmos” too…nothing to share at this point. Mainly they are about how this love relationship with Cosmos is unrequited love. I am frustrated for I want to participate more. I want to respond to you more. I want to have you know me better. These are some of the deepest relationships ever formed for me…yes…my spiritual allies … but where is the time and place for love? This digital divide takes the greatest of spiritual momentum and spits in its face, leaves us lying in the dirt, wondering where it all went, where it all went wrong.
But its not you Cosmos…its me. Or maybe: its not you Cosmos…its your damned stance at a distance…I want to hold you Cosmos! Where is your deep embrace? When is your deep embrace?