Towards the Formalization of Cosmos as a Cooperative

As some participants in Infinite Conversations may be aware, discussions are currently underway to give Cosmos a formal, that is, a legally established cooperative structure. Following a discussion at the latest Editorial meeting, attended by four of us (@madrush, @sororbrigid, @marythaler, and @Geoffreyjen_Edwards), we discussed briefly the current state of these efforts, which have involved initial consultation with a team of lawyers. The first item that comes up in the documentation they have prepared for us is the issue of the Vision statement, Mission statement and declaration of Core Values. I hunted around and found some of the existing documentation on these issues :

By mining these three sets of documents, we could come up with a kind of preliminary Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Declaration of Core Values. However, I do think these preliminary documents need to be updated to accommodate the current (not yet legally defined) membership needs and understandings and emerging areas of activity (e.g. book publishing). There are also issues of concision required. Some of these texts (well, almost all of them) are quite wordy. How much do the Vision, Mission and Core Values statements that go into the bylaws of the organization need to be compressed? One of the problems we’ve had all along with Infinite Conversations is figuring out how to describe what exactly it is that we do to other people. We really need some statements that do a better job maybe than what we have? Or maybe not!


Actually, reading down the discussion following the post on the Executive Summary of the Key Docs, many of these issues were addressed there (including some statements I made and had forgotten!). I think three quarters of the work has already been done. It just needs to be refreshed with a new coat of paint, maybe!


Hi Gj, thanks for advancing this conversation and consideration. I had a thought…

In answer to the question, What is Cosmos? (which would be shorthand for, What is Cosmos Cooperative?, or What is Cosmos Co-op?—since we are not really talking about THE Cosmos…although I believe we can productively allude to and resonate with cosmic meaning; but let’s say our primary meta-objective is to answer this question)—what if we construct our answers a simple and open-ended way which allows for a dynamic multiplicity in unity, rather than fixing uniformity out of the creative pluralism that Cosmos was engendered to promote?

What if, in answer to the question, What is Cosmos?, we allow for multiple answers and interpretations? I could imagine, for example, a home page in a similar spirit to this one:

That home page states, DisCOs are a way for people to work together in ways that are…

And then an animation fills in the blank with various adjectives: cooperative…commons-oriented…feminist-economic… [they have some sweet-sleek design, and a PDF download describing in vivacious terms what their community is about and how it works]

So what if, with Cosmos, we invite and encourage everybody to come up with a metaphor, concept, or description that resonates with their own form and style of participation and intuition of the whole. How do we say the whole holistically, which is to say, holographically, distributed intensively in the parts?

What if the home page says, Cosmos is…

And then we open up the space below for any members’ contribution, which could be weighted (upvoted) by how resonantly they are generally received. I might want to say, for example, that COSMOS IS…

  • a general-purpose creative intelligence (CI) where members are the patrons, owners, and beneficiaries of the collective genius and network power, which is dedicated to evolving human happiness and planetary flourishing
  • a cooperative network for creatives to connect, collaborate, and co-create our planetary future
  • a collective, collaborative, multi-generational, literary, artistic, philosophical, self-transforming performance art project, where the members are the creative directors and participant-actors in the great story
  • the ocean in a drop of rain, which falls on mountain-tops, courses through creeks and rivers, sewers and drainage ditches, molecules in perpetual motion returning to the ocean, rising and falling with the tidal waves…
  • a community-owned media production, publishing, and educational fellowship dedicated to the principles of cooperative economics, open technology, conscious community, and integral culture [with each of these terms linked to pages for explanation—this is a “4-quadrant” model version of Cosmos]
  • a garden, an egg, a nebula, a star child… a home for your inner artist… a meta-monastery for your creative soul… a halfway-house for homeless, half-crazed, holy, hell-or-high-water poetic productions and creative offerings

You get the idea… I could go on, and we could invite others (well, anyone reading this) to contribute. Over time, some formulations may rise, some may fall—and we may omit those which spark dissonance and internal division—but the overall body of answers would grow and evolve over time, becoming its own sort of non-linear meta-poem and fractal snapshot of how the collective cosmic mind perceives itself as a whole.

It is just an idea… I am looking for ways to stimulate engagement in the process of cooperative formation. I offer a few examples of how we might think about the whole, so that such conceptions can be consciously embodied in the parts, as we approach documenting more specific descriptions of terms, values, operating principles, etc.


happy you added “or maybe not!” to this. The Underground is permitted to continue its residency unseen. The undercommons can retain its lowercase status. The undercover agent can proceed in guise. So what when we must/need/ought to come to the surface and make an invitation? What we do is what Cosmos is. If asked to depict what exactly we do, I would need to grasp the others hands-in-hand and take them through the portal to see with their own sensoria. Onboarding through documentation will be a challenge. Formalization is a foreign science but I’m always up for learning alternate languages.

Something happened a few weeks back when I intended to respond to one of John’s posts. I was in the midst of the tick-bite mental-fog strangeness and never posted but as I attempted to respond something baffling happened. John was editing the post as I attempted to read it; words were shifting as if dancing at a DisCO. Sentence syntax sent asunder and restructured. The feeling produced was profound. What if we could witness text in real time at all times? I had also been reading Consciously Evolving Language with a deep intent and the ideas and potentials for language (documentation) online went deep into the cosmos. What if not only the home page reflected the diverse spirit but all of the living documents? What if these somehow reflected what we thought we were about then thought better of and edited? Perhaps it is time to hire a cosmic editor-at-large?

The formalization process is quite a challenge for this non-conforming crew. We can be the difference that makes a difference. Or the divergence that makes a divergence. “Just an idea” is perhaps what propelled the cosmos in motion. My humble contribution to Cosmos is is that it is “just an idea”. . .


I spend a lot of effort on editing as that is what i like to do the most. We read and write and speak in groups and potentially to other groups, outside this set up. it seems many groups are interacting within a group but without feedback from others it stays insular. i found myself meta-commenting on someone else’s stuff but it seemed so disconnected in the time arrangements that it hardly matters. If someone responds a week after you make a comment nothing happens. I am still waiting for the group to start around Lisa’s book. It is like watching paint dry. So, i no longer have the energy for going meta and will focus attention on the one or two persons who respond to a post. A fractal within a fractal. Asynchronous writing is not my main concern so i please myself. Live group sessions are much more interesting when we allow everyone some public space to create in the moment. A disciplined flow can happen and sometimes a surprise. A self aware we space co-arises. Most of the group talk I see is moderated to death. We avoid that. These lucid moments are not just happy accidents. They are prepared for. The resonate structure unfolds in and through meta-attention. And there is no mechanism involved. We need, in my view, to move out of the mechanisms of mind of our factory model educations and move towards a more active receptivity that is not at all like the passive, arms across the chest posture, we adopted in school. Just a few thoughts as we move upstream and sense into process rather than get stuck in the routine of product promotion. Thanks. I might feel the need to edit this. I will probably wait for a live event to complete these thought/feels And like Groucho Marx I am reluctant to join a group that would have me as a member. And I hope you have fully recovered , Doug, from the attack of the tick. No communication is a communication. Bateson said, " You cannot not communicate." Silence is often a communication about communication. If you don’t respond to me, I will stop responding to you. Then we will have just another information dumping zone. Giving feedback is an art and I don’t wish to be glib about this. It is an art that a lot of people are not good at. Sifting opinion from fact is difficult and having a true opinion is not easy in these mediated unmute yourself forums. It seems there are binds deeply embedded even as we invite a more imaginative participation. Conversation is an art form. We become unglued to fixations and renew contact with our better natures as co-sponsors. Inquiry of this kind needs to be protected. There are lots of intruders among us. Paranoia is rampant. Ye shall know them by their fruits.


I type this knowing it may not belong in this thread. Yet it does. Silence: another term for the unwritten, unspoken, maybe even the underground. Typically, if the written document does not satisfy, I do not post. I assume incorrectly that you or others will understand the hours of contemplation and effort that when into my non-post. So too with the Cosmos. We know. We know what we are. Assuming that we know is probably incorrect. incomplet.

Translating the inarticulate speech of the heart into articulate text is up next on the agenda. What do we know? What do we know now that we didn’t know during the previous attempts at articulation? Legality and formalization, to me, require that we learn the rules and document these so we can break them properly.

I know all of this needed to be typed because the Drosophila melanogaster is perched on my index finger in silent communication . . . type . . .post . . . allow warts and all to be seen. How do I send telepathic type to you? How do we formalize non-physical entities? We have used the now-common term egregore to depict that which we are attempting to conjure up in this space. Documentation is the necessary demon that permits better angels to surface, perhaps?


I do like to start in these typing episodes by zooming in upon a small bit of what the other has typed as I’m dong now. It gives me a sense of re-entering a shared communique and also gives me a place to start. Timing, as I have pointed out before, is critical to me. I’m aware this is not true of others. They can sit back and think about something for a long time before they commit to typing. And this is fine, too. I am not a person who keeps too many options open. Catching a rhythm is what the writing/typing activity is about for me. It gives me an aesthetic pleasure and sometimes that pleasure can become a pressure. That happens. It is okay, too.

Yeats said you hear prose, you overhear poetry. And sometimes we are in-between making up a genre, somewhere between an email and a love letter to the world that never wrote to me.

With you, Doug, especially, I am careful not to come too close, for I don’t wish to intrude by casting a shadow on your strange musings and reflections. So, I press the pause button and acknowledge that that though a thousand eyes might be watching I also can feel quit alone in these impromptus. And that is a nice feeling. Being private in public like a good metaphor. I am not reading or writing another resume. Hopefully, I am beyond resumes. But some are not,

Exactly. We are meta-dreaming in public. I have been told by a hostile person in this forum that I sounded crazy. I am quite aware there is a consensus reality that we are obliged to and there is a non consensus reality we are also obliged to. How we deliver and receive messages across that slippery slope is a lot like trying to capture the objective aspects of an elephant sliding down a hill, by capturing the weight, the incline, the velocity and then there is the poetry of the elephant sliding down the hill. Keeping track of these dynamics in a system with amnesia is a challenge as we are re-discovering again and again. That is why I address my comments so often to the Stranger within who might also be like the Stranger within you.

So, I let others do the formalizing routines as I am not that good anymore at doing that sort of thing. I have done a lot of organizing of non-profit groups, coordinating conferences, qualifying people for certain tasks , and I find my mind is tired of that getting a little less linear each day…and there are younger people who can do all of that better than I.

Finding a niche…an umwelt in a world run amok. We muddle on through as best we can, a twig here, a bit of yarn there, trying to put together a nest. Good luck everyone.


Sarah and Fatimeh—the lawyers I/we hired to inform and structure these formalization proceedings, who I think are both very smart and also humanly kind—have suggested to me, in so many words, that it would behoove us in this process, whoso would undertake it, to keep it simple. (They did not add the “stupid” at the end, nor did I feel it was implied.)

My goal is to offload all the technical, administrative, and market-oriented tasks into a social system that can manage, indeed, steward, the cosmic mothership (as the material side of this hybrid egregore) for the long run. Kayla and I cannot keep up the invisible work—dealing with websites, media files, tech support, finances, etc.—which sustains the digital infrastructure of Cosmos, forever. I also believe that that a cooperative structure will be inherently more stable, regenerative, and gratifying for all involved than the current set-up.

Moreover, anyone who is trying to do any truly moving, original, transformative work in the arts is likely going to have to dedicate a lot of time to it, not just squeeze it in as a hobby (though much can be done in the margins as well). The is true in science, engineering, athletics, any field of human activity, included the inner yogas. Too many beautiful humans live as semi-slaves in an economy that is not optimized for our souls’ evolution or delight, but rather feeds on emotional neediness and reactivity in order to fuel extraction and war, maintaining the somnolent status-quo.

Cosmos is about collective (including political, economic, and spiritual) empowerment to enable members to fully pursue their self-actualization and open-ended creative projects within a supportive milieu. The way that we document the the terms of engagement—the language we employ and how we structure our metaphors—is important to set the stage for healthy community and cooperation in the long run, as well as functioning as an artistic statement on its own.

I have not even started publishing my own work yet. Gj still has something like 15 books to go in his Ido Chronicles! Others like @marythaler and @MarcoMasi have work in progress that may find a home in Cosmos. Yet others may wish to teach, heal, learn, conduct integral research, or spend quality time with other intelligent life-forms, likewise practicing the arts of conversation, listening, presence.

It costs money to print books, run events, and host websites. Also, it would be nice to support ourselves (and as many people as we can, as fully as possible) in doing what we love, so that most of our energy can flow into the world we wish to create. How silly, shameful, and yes, STUPID is it that a few billionaires get to live large on the fruits and fumes of industrial civilization, while most people (perfectly good brains & bioenergy sources! if slightly battered) spend most of our waking lives laboring only to keep the suicidal machine running at full capacity.

So, some time ago, I made a strategic decision to opt-out of Moloch and pursue another possibility via a creative seed of inspiration received in sacred vision—lovingly, at times despairingly, tending to it over almost a decade—and still we are just a young seedling, easily trampled. But I want to see this grow—beyond me, way beyond me. How might we keep it simple, yet elegantly accounting for natural complexity, as Jan Zwicky’s lyrical philosophy aspires toward? The whole future of Cosmos depends on how we nurture this seedling today.


Perhaps we need to find ways to allow for mindful presence without verbal presence? As both Doug and Johnny pointed out, doing this kind of work seems to require the use of the written if not also the spoken word. But much of what we are doing seems to evoke or activate the non verbal, and I think we want to nurture that. Like a seedling, sure, but also like a small flame which would need only half a breath to snuff out. I am thinking of our upcoming reading exercise with Maia’s book, where the non verbal is at least as important as the verbal. It is perhaps simply a question of attending to it, rather than always speaking to it. Our statutes need to acknowledge the unexpected, the inexpressable, the silent, the unsayable. That, I think, is radical.


Zen Pause

Sending Energy of Calm Abiding
& Resilience!


How to process from upstream? How to come into being as a group hybrid body? I consider this thread an invitation to participate, not just observe from behind the one way mirror.

And as Bateson said, " What do you do when you don’t know what to do?"

After reading this thread twice I sense lots of impasse, binds, and double binds floating in the background. When I am told to keep it simple but not to be stupid I am aware of a subtle binding pattern in operation. I want to explore this.

We have studied Gebser, Sri Aurobindo, Sloterdiik, Butler, Nora and Gregory Bateson, Manning, Maroski, Kastrup, Milton, Goethe, and many more. We have conducted workshops, recited poetry, learned how to communicate in public forums and articulate difficult ideas. We have learned how to co-regulate.

I’m sure each of us can remember a time that was especially meaningful for you and for the group. Can you see, hear, smell, taste, touch and really enjoy that memory? Relax. Close your eyes. Let go.

And when you can remember a meaningful experience at Cosmos that you really enjoyed… is there anything else about that memory ? Write it down or draw a picture. Make a gesture that amplifies that memory.

And what do you know now that you didn’t know before? And is that a difference that makes a difference?

These are open ended questions and I don’t really expect an easy answer ( perhaps a zoom call?) I’m not presenting myself as an expert but as an advanced beginner. I have a belief that the organizations of the future will honor the metaphors of everyone working in that organization. That is a belief but I do not know yet if it is a true belief. It is a useful belief. And what needs to happen to make it a true belief?

I’m glad you mentioned Jan Zwicky. She investigates the gestalt switch. Indeed, she claims that metaphor is a gestalt switch that changes the mind in dramatic ways. Meaning is simultaneously obvious and hidden. How can we investigate this claim inspired by Goethe’s sensorial imagination?

Can you imagine the seedling in front?

Can you imagine the small flame on the back of the box?

Can you imagine doing a reversal? Allowing the seedling to move to the back, the flame to the front? Can this gestalt switch happen in your entire sensorium? If you can’t see it just try to feel the movement. We are moving from and through another kind of space medium. Indeterminate and perhaps in-between. Can the imagery stabilize? Does the imagery change? Are you inside the images or are you watching the images from the outside?

" Wisdom has to do with the grasp of wholes that occupy the same space, yet are different. This life, as opposed to that. To be wise is to be able to grasp another form of life without abandoning one’s own." Jan Zwicky

What just happened? If nothing happened that’s interesting, too.

And what happens, now, to the structure of our metaphors?


These are two different orientations towards knowledge creation.

When we bring meta-attention to these differences then we might find a polarity happening in the field. Silence will not bring this difference into open communications and virtuous feedback loops. You need a human awareness and a capacity for perceptual and conceptual flexibility. In other words, you need a Personal Pronoun “I” that can act as if it has agency, responsibility, and can take different perspectives that includes a " We".

A Void without points and no directions can’t help. How can knowledge come from a Void? We must bring speech and time forward into our gestalt patterning to conduct forward a more balanced learning space. Images are necessary to meta-communicate. You need a body with a voice. More invisible information mediated by algorithms won’t help .Silence, like the void, is necessary but not sufficient.

And when Cosmos is…and Cosmos is what Cosmos does…is there anything else about Cosmos?

Can it get any simpler?


There is. There is also (suggested by the thread title) Cosmos as which suggests a role that the Cosmos will enact. Cosmos as will not fully define what Cosmos is or does but will put upon the pedestal or upon the stage, a specimen, a performance that will represent (if the artifact be moulded mindfully) what Cosmos is and does. The being (is) and the becoming (does) seem to request a formalization, some physical entity that (re)enacts or (re)generates. Perhaps all that it is and all that it does is concretized into this role, into the About page, into our Infinite Conversations, into LitCoin, into Untimely Books, into what others will see. I envision the legal documentation as one of GJ’s operas or as a script to be read by John and Marco. Why not call it the Cosmos Cantos?

On simple: the etymology suggests a literal translation of simple as “one fold” . . . as a coop we are manifold, manifesting, folding. As the cosmos is open-ended & inexhaustive, non-exclusive and unlimited, exterior & infinite, so too is the Cosmos Cooperative. The manifold can manifest in a one-folded, simple statement or document-artifact. Impels is an anagram of simple. Simplicity impels complexity.

From the 5/26 Editoral Meeting

There was talk in this editorial meeting of when to meet for the exchange of thoughts in formation around the legal-speak/formalization. I am mentioning this here as others may be unaware of the discussion (beginning at around 32 minutes in the recording) that suggested meeting June 9th to plan for future discussions around the topic. I will do my best to be present next Wednesday.

I am looking forward to actively participating in the formalization (again). Marco and Kayla along with Caroline and many others have put in many many precious time segments to make this (formalization) shift happen. When I hear “formal” and “legal” I shut down and run away. There is a reason lawyers receive ample compensation. And yet something about this excites me . . .impels me to participate. It is a milestone rather than a barrier to be passed. It will permit a healthy flowing of future projects and projections. It will require long-term thinking.


I like the languaging, Doug. as metaphor, mind, language and legalities take stage and co-refer to one another in a new constellation of artifacts and fractal dimensions.

Impels is another nice word, an addition to my inner dictionary. I hope I can find a time to use it, soon, slip it in when no one is paying attention.

Me, too. I have sat on a jury. How depressing.

On a different note, a more intimate tone, I wonder about what you shared in the last talk we had on Goethe. This is probably the wrong thread to elaborate upon this but I can’t think a better time will emerge in the future and I would like to impel this group away from mono-cropping to something more organic.

You mentioned the graphite in your right palm when in fourth grade…and the thirty eight your old with the graphite in the palm of the right hand…and the different kinds of time…the birth and rebirth of millions of cells…and you have children…and is there are relationship between the fourth grader with the graphite in his palm and the thirty eight year old…and if you could do a gestalt switch…is there anything you know now that you didn’t know then about time.

Please do not feel impelled to explore this in this particular thread. I am becoming more interested in Deep Time. And if we can start to treat time in this forum more dynamically, I imagine we can appreciate the changes that happen through time and that we can play with it rather than be a victim of it.


I am reminded, Doug, of Quaker Meeting for Worship for Business, a reference I know we share. Business understood in this way can be fully mindful. All here want this to go well and productively. Also, regarding silence, the Quakers use silence in both Meeting for Worship and Meeting for Worship for Business, as part of the communication. A way of settling down into the process, a grounding. Similar, in spirit, I believe, to Johnny’s “And what is it to be silent? What shape and form does silence have?”


There is actually a long book of poetry by Ernesto Cardenal, who was born in Nicaragua, and was also priest and prolific culture-creator in the Sandinista revolution of the 70s and 80s, which is called Canto CĂłsmico. Cardenal founded a community called Solentanime, where the (poor, many at first illiterate) peasants (or the less diminishing term, campesinos) participated in poetry workshops while furthering the socialist agenda. When I volunteered in Nicaragua, we worked in a community of coffee growers that had their own cooperative, which was created (sponsored by the government) during that time. Their small village deep in the mountains of Matagalpa was called La Estrella.

As you may know, Daniel Ortega, who led that revolution, is now a petty dictator and the country continues to suffer extreme poverty and corruption; so that particular movement didn’t fully work out. But there were many gains made during those years, worthwhile experiments in creating a “New Man, and New Woman.” (You used these terms, John, in a recent talk about The Wholeness of Nature—and I was silently reminded of the context where I heard the phrase before, in mostly-forgotten history, where there were concrete actions taken to birth a new human possibility on the level of a nation. Unfortunately, those efforts were largely thwarted (although also impelled) by US imperialism.

But I am convinced they were not in vain. Simply by traveling through different countries where revolutionary movements were and were not at least partially successful, I can report that the qualities of the cultures were significantly different. I found a substantially enhanced sense of self, agency, radiance, and freedom of expression where a revolutionary spirit was still alive. I am not saying I agreed ideologically with everyone I met—but where capitalism is confronted with a humane alternative rooted in social solidarity, the people are prouder, more flexible and expressive, and more beautiful-minded, I have found.

I have also studied deeply the diseases of ideology, and I am aware that any ideal, value, or truth a community posits—any language formulations that become official and required—easily becomes a source of fearful conformity and subtle if not overt oppression.

And yet…one must say something. One must do something. As poets, scientists, artists, dreamers—we can be uniquely sensitive to the plasticity of language, the provisionality of truth. Of course, one might do nothing, one can be silent, but this leads nowhere other than where one was already going. The point is to change the world: replace dictators with democracy, cannibalism with compassion, pollution with poetry, poverty with philosophy.

And time… we have all of in the world, and yet we are perpetually running out. And there are different types of silence: the deadly silence of complicity and denial, the silence of paralysis and fear; the silence of absorption in listening and contemplation; the silence of not knowing what to do or say, yet not squandering oneself doing and saying meaningless things; the silence of adoration and nonverbal intuitive feeling…

And simplicity… impelling complexity, not being impaled on complications. This feels like a creative process. Where are we going with this? Movement is not the same as structure, and yet cannot happen without orientation in space. And I cannot perceive both sides of the Necker Cube—the seedling and the flame—at the same time; yet oscillating in time I remember that I can see them both, and there is a mental flow. My mind can dance—front, back, high, low, inside, outside, sacred, and profane.

And now I’m doing the cha-cha. And now I can say, like they say down under: ta-ta…



And when oscillating in time…and there is a mental flow…and my mind can dance…

what happens to…

the Vision, Mission and Core Values statements that go into the bylaws of the organization need to be compressed?

Meta-Comments from John, the Symbolic Modeler and occasional Dramaturg. My main interest is not in writing for print or breaking into the book publishing world. I have varied interests and a lot of what I am doing is preparing to meet my Maker, which is a highly personal affair, that I do not do in public.

The stories I tell are meant to be far removed from problem solving. I have no interest in solving problems at the level of the problem. Yes, I know we all need to eat and feed our families, etc., and I get a hundred requests a day for money, which I quickly delete.

Making money is necessary and a value that we all share but it is not a mission statement. And a mission statement, no matter how well conceived, is not a Vision with a V as Cosmos is with a C.

Now, the well intentioned lawyers, can have a clear cut directive to keep it simple and that is fine if you have a well defined problem. But if you have an ill defined problem that won’t do. And if anything has emerged in these ruminations is how unfit I am for defining problems. Defining problems is a waste of time. I have written off this civilization as a lost cause. And I am curious about how we can transition out of this mess and to suffer as intelligently as we can. Evading intelligent suffering seems a stupid strategy to me. Stupid suffering should be scrupulously avoided and that seems to me to be the norm in most business as usual, professional communiques, which seems obsessed with exploring problem spaces with no exit. I would not call what I am interested in an attempt to define or solve problems. I am interested in the structure of your desires. I want to resonate with your desired outcomes whatever they may be. Resonating with a desired outcome, no matter how odd, is interesting. Trying to solve a problem created by adhering to a consensus reality is boring.

I heard from a cognitive psychologist that young persons are good with clearly defined problems but when the problems are ill defined, elders are required. And the elders are a group that is vanishing quickly, during this pandemic, leaving many brilliant young persons to fend for themselves, in a cultural wasteland. I find this an interesting drama, the inter-generational drama of cultural transmission and metaphors are my obsession. So, I spend my remaining days, reading and thinking about lyric philosophy, while reciting poetry, and gazing at my navel. I grow old and gray on the Lower East Side, an aging bohemian, without prospects, and no interest in solving the manufactured problem du jour. I am aware of consensus reality but interested in serving the near consensus reality that is just around the corner. My ship did not arrive safe in the harbor, and I have no good advice to offer to anyone. I have always been in a transition. And I am very happy that this is so. My life is not a problem.

While Rome burns I plan to sit upon my pile of books and rubbish and rant like King Lear on the blasted heath with poor, mad Tom. Blow, winds and crack your cheeks! Rage! Blow! My future does not look pretty but I still have a good voice, I can sing and dance. If I were a rich man, life might be different. I am not a rich man nor do I work for that. I do work for a personal style and that is what your friends can help you with. And that is the kind of friend I would like to be. And , yes, I hate to admit it but I love tradition.

So, thanks, guys, for the memories. Some of them are quite fine. And deep bows to the youth. I had a world once, too, a lovely one. I hoped that I could help the group clarify the function of Dreamer, Realist and Critic. My mission, it occurs to me, has already been accomplished. I sense that everyone here has become able to perform these functions well. That is a great blessing and a pre-requisite for the New Human that might emerge. Thank you.


I had a waking dream two days ago in which I had a strong desire to start a new thread simply entitled “Thank You”. The idea was/is to display in text gratitude for what each of you has brought to the cosmic table and shared; what I have imbibed and assimilated into my structure and stance; and now what I present to the table, thanks to each one of your contributions. As we have mentioned silence as the double-edged grass blade wavering in the wind, placing these words on a thread would speak wonders. I want to break the silence on this thread with a simple thank you.




Thank you , Doug, for re-engineering an impelling thought form event. I looked at the Cafe with Lisa from a few years ago. My take away from tuning into this quintet of inquiring minds is this-I was much smarter then than I am now.

Elon Musk, I heard from Michael Garfield, comes from a wealthy slave owning family, that mined emeralds. I understand he thought his father was a terrible human being. Elon Musk might be a terrible human being too. I recall that Eric Wiess thought these techno-maniacs came into this incarnation for the purpose of extracting free labor as much as possible to fuel their desire to become a corporation. My feeling is that this is surely what has already happened. And what a karmic mess we have to clean up. For those, on this call, who are trying to cleanse the doors of perception, you have a lot of cleaning up to do!

Thanks, Doug, for your excellent curatorial skills. You are bringing forth a great talent for tuning into the hybrid group soul/mind, upstream, that is coming into language.

We are using language as a tool for modeling the self, selves, others, while in motions, a multisensory, multidimensioning, inter-becoming, fantasmorphing.

Thank you.