Transmuting the Trumpocalypse – Session 3: Collective Realization

I would like to begin with an outside, after-the-matter blather:

The discussion structure of the videos is useful. There is both a general outline of the discussion provided and the personal, free-flowing of responses. I would recommend continuing with this form of discussion (which is probably how it has been done with your past videos). It was mentioned by a few video attendees that is was all over the place (without an underlying structure)…this was fine for an outside viewer. Technical difficulties aside, there was a general feel and understanding of the topic without a need to do the reading before hand. I have completed the essays and, though I sense the core of Caroline’s direction, I need some more time before articulation comes into play.

…I have begun attending Quaker meetings here in Lexington, Kentucky

(additional details)

(Quakers are founded in Christian principles yet open to “that of God in everyone”…this particular Friends meeting is quite beyond Christianity…the group is mostly 50-70 aged, wise beyond my previous understanding of wise, musical and highly creative…they won me over with a First Hour on Laughter Yoga)

and the First Hour discussions are centered on a certain awareness, allowing those who are prone to remain silent (…me) to speak and those that are always “at the ready” to give pause before participating. The cosmos co-op and groups forming here seem to take on this same core awareness.
I bring this up for we had an intense unprogrammed meeting this weekend

Unprogrammed Meeting

(Unprogrammed Meeting: we sit in silent meditation for one hour (though Quakers call it “expectant waiting”…something a bit outside of Buddhist style meditation) and when someone feels moved to speak, preferably from the “higher spirit,” the individual speaks. We may sit in silence the entire hour or it may be one statement after another. It ranges from Zen style koans to personal gripes to expressive dance and poetry, yet, again, this is for Lexington’s particular meeting…most other Quaker meetings will not be open to this…and many are Programmed, as in they have a minister of sorts)

This weekend marked Veteran’s Day here in the US and the messages were quite intense. We keep political talk at bay but there was the underlying experienced chaos that Caroline is describing here…one individual even brought up the idea mentioned in one of the three videos (and writing I think) of the controlled burning required to till the land for new growth and vegetation to occur.
To cut to the point, I was inspired to lead a discussion next week on Tillich’s Love, Power, Justice. I am a member of the Adult Religious Education Committee and often find myself filling in the gaps (weeks in which we find no other takers for leading a discussion), tossing in some of my personal favorites. Since beginning attendance with the Quakers in March I have lead a discussion on the Holy Moment, Deep Friendship, Spiral Dynamics’ +/-, The Listening Society, Krista Tippett’s Civil Conversations Project

A quick introduction of myself: I have “undocumented, unmedicated, self- proclaimed social anxiety”…I have often frozen on the spot when attempting these discussions and have very little experience with public speaking. These presentations have been an attempt to literally break open my shell so I can potentially break open the heads of others.
Just like the Quaker meeting I attend, I am fully aware of the greatness and vulnerability being achieved here. Thank you all for the “safe” environment for creating a path towards the ultimate sense of healing.