Commencement of EST Magicians

You’re now officially a moderator on the forum, @Douggins, and should be able to convert the post following these instructions:

Do you have a title and brief description for the video meta-data? I have it downloaded from Zoom and ready to post.

I feel you on this. I just spent the night on the single (actually, already relatively clear) idea of the end of solar ‘emanation’ and communicative ‘representation’ from a single (divinely) authorized center. The deeper we go into these books, the more I feel that Spheres is almost nothing more than an elaborate post-mortem for a couple millennia of fantasies of European cultural hegemony.

It was doomed from the start! says Sloterdijk, but didn’t we already know that? And what happens next? I’m still hearing crickets from old Slotty on that last question.

But I digresss…