Cosmos Café [2019/10/01] – Ancient Philosophy and the Mystery of Our Senses

Marco, as promised, I have viewed our dialogue and made some notes. Here are a few ideas for near future Cafe events and other possibilities-

Marco said-
Vision and prayer-sometimes it’s prophecy-sometimes prayer-and in the New Axial Age prayer isn’t just transcendental-a prayer that focuses energy-drawing upon a vision and pushing into the pragmatic-what should be-

Adjacent possibilities that arise from this dialogue.

How can we move towards a sunshine economy?

A workshop for Nihilists-how do we get in touch with our inner Nihilist? Since you are going to die anyway, why bother? Exploring Idealist and Materialist forms of Nihilism. And what does the Nihilist want to have happen?

A Heidegger seminar led by Marco?

Permaculture and Clean Language. Marco, Carolyn and John could meta-model.

Michael and John. Using metaphor to heal Trauma.

Dark side of the Feminine. Bridget is the expert. Euripides Medea. Women who runs with wolves. The Terrible Mother and the High Priestess at Oracle at Delphi.

Plato’s Symposium. What’s Love got to do with it?

A New Axial Age. What is a Symbol? How do we recognize a boundary object?

Building your Ship of Death. Have you built your ship of Death? Safe ways to Work with Grief and Guilt.

Revisit Quantum Poetics. A year later. What has Heather, Marco, Geoffrey learned since that presentation at the Gebser Conference? Let’s do a follow up. Maybe Jeremy can join us? How can we model collaborative partnerships? What happens next???

Social Dreaming. Drawing and thinking. Exploring the Cognitive work of Images. Social Synesthesia. Perhaps Lucy has some ideas?

Aldous Huxley The Doors of Perception. A classic short essay on the use of drugs and the mystical.

The power of Trance work. What is the relationship between trance and meditation?

How to create an action plan? Advanced protocols for integrating Dreamer-Realist-Critic.

What is close reading? Andrew has a lot to offer here. The art of reading.

TJ on Meta- History.

Ed on the Occult and Gebser

Doug on parenting and working with elders.

There is a lot of talent in our group(s). What support do you need? We want to provide a forum for you.

These are just a few of the possibles that were generated. Please feel free to add something that might be of use and delight to our ongoing embodiment and the enhancement our collaborative potentials.

What is missing?

And what would you like to have happen at the Cafe this Tuesday? What needs to happen for that to happen?