Cosmos Café [7/30/19] - Gebser in the Present

It is another horrific event spawned from the battered USA psyche, enabled by prolific weaponry and seething paranoia—magic/mythical tribalism gone “mental” thru cyber-manifestos, crypto chat rooms & dissemination of memetic power-sigils by enemies of an open society. Unfortunately it is only August 2019 and there is more to come, and more after that, unless we enact some cultural evolution (as leap from chaos into higher order) and/or occurs a political miracle.


the pale blue dot…


Hey @Douggins
I’d be up for a discussion of Staying with the Trouble, now things are a bit less chaotic for me !


Great to hear from you again Lucy! Many of us here are in the continual process of settling into the chaos. I am just coming back from taking a week away from all things digital (the core contributing crux of chaotic living for me…) so pardon the late response. As the moon wanes perhaps we can wax philosophical on what Haraway has to offer. Are you available on August 27 or September 3 at 7PM London (2PM EST)? We have no planned Cafés at this point and Haraway would be a refreshing voice.


Hey @Douggins - a week away sounds sublime, I hope it provided the necessary re-set.
I can’t do Aug 27, but Sep 3 could work - is it just for a chat about possibilities for a cafe or for the actual SWTT cafe itself ?

I have the September 3rd Café listed as discussing Haraway’s Introduction to Staying with the Trouble. Hope other @ccafe folks are able to join us for this one. We will be using the thread below for any further Haraway discussion: