Cosmos Café: Men Talking about Depression and Suicide after the Death of Anthony Bourdain [6/19]

well, Bourdain can’t agree with you, because he is dead! Perhaps a little biofeedback from time to time would have helped him. I can see your point, and I guess it is up to each of us to find the right mix of 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person approaches that leads to wellness. Sometimes, I have appreciated the feedback, and one of my clients seems to be finding the Spire helpful.


i see you have written a novel (perhaps more, i don’t know), and have downloaded a sample to my kindle.

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Great! When I thought my life was in danger (from a rival) I told my psych-girl, if I miss an appointment w/o notice to consider that an alarm. With her Buddhist smirk she said, “Sure, I’ll notify authorities to do a ‘well-body’ check.” “Thanks,” I said.


As we pursue our themes in the CCafé and elsewhere on this platform, I’m starting to seriously doubt if the phrase “just a story” has any real meaning at all. There is something about coherent narrative that goes much deeper perhaps than we have thought so far.

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