R.I.P. Ursula K. Le Guin

December of the Dispossessed” was literally the first “happening” on this forum. It was our “beta test,” before the “Winter of Origins” reading of Gebser. The book moved, inspired, and challenged me (in the best possible ways) profoundly—as have the other works of hers I’ve read, which is only a fraction of what I still hope to read in this lifetime! It is no exaggeration to say that Le Guin’s voice, ideas, and spirit are woven into the genetics of this project from the beginning. Her presence in the world will be missed, and today I am sad…but her influence is, and will continue to be, incalculable.

More than sad, I feel grateful for the gifts she has left us in her work, and the example she has set in her public appearances and social commentary. I feel joyful that we get to continue to read her books. They are truly a treasure!

There is so much I would like to share…I hope we can host a talk on, or reading of, one of her books soon (Left Hand of Darkness, anyone?). But for now, here is a lovely tribute I heard this morning. I’m sure there will be more.