Cosmos Café: Alternate Ways of Knowing [12/12]

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I have been listening to Nick Bostrom’s Superintelligence audiobook, and it is striking how in thrall the field of AI research and development is to rational actor theory and cognitive neuroscience in general—powerful disciplines, to be sure; frighteningly so, if some of the scenarios for the intelligence explosion described by Bostrom are to be believed—but what’s missing from the picture is precisely the question of experience.

The scenario described by Bostrom is not to be believed. It is nonsense. Is the brain like a computer? The simple answer is NO! And the reasons are obvious. I have fought these absurd reductionist metaphors for most of my adult life, and I am now seeing the huge destruction that this craziness is creating. We need new metaphors!

In this video, a mathematician, debunks the search for the ultimate algorithm. He explains why the AI crowd is promoting this idea. They are arrogant and ignorant and they are misleading the uneducated masses into a great disaster. Edward points through the Mental Deficient Smog to a higher ground where you can breathe better air, and see much further. Alternate Ways of Knowing come in many shapes and sizes.

Perhaps another author to include in our Cafe conversations next year? He makes obvious good sense.