Cosmos Café - Music Edition

That Beth Orton album is all full of heartache and grit. Thanks for sharing… I was introduced to Beth Orton by some of the women in my Nicaragua volunteer group (in 1999/2000!).

They were also rabid—yes rabid—Ani DiFranco fans, and they ruled the collective boombox with a Kali-like fierceness that one could only admire and be humbled by.

Here’s some of my recent listening—a new discovery—in a mystic/country vein, which I believe pairs well:


Can this Be applied to Conversation?

That is very pretty. And perhaps, yes, we could visualize our conversations synaeshtetically—although, I imagine, the mathematics involved would quite a bit more complex. :face_with_monocle:

In a very different register, here is new and timely song that I want to share, from an old friend in the integral community, John Dupuy. It’s nothing less than a roar from the heart—and I am proud of him for putting this out!

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I Agree…

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Maybe I was too young in the 80s or 90s, or they were too pop for me—for whatever reasons, I had never gotten into Depeche Mode. But their latest album title caught my attention, and this track (with its elegant, Ingmar Bergman inspired video) is especially catchy:


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If you were too young in the 80s or 90s, what does that make me?
If they were too pop, were you, perhaps, too mainstream, alternative, grungy, experimental, …?
DM (which is, by the way, also the name of a drugstore chain in Germany) is one of those groups “one can’t get around”, as the Germans say: the only way out is through.

“Ghosts Again”, most certainly. The title is so catchy because it’s – at least to my small mind – so accurate.

Thanks for sharing.


Older and wiser, I would hope! But I know there are no such guarantees :wink:

I like to believe my tastes are pretty eclectic… though I wouldn’t really count anything I liked in the 80s. I just hadn’t woken up yet. In the 90s—stuff I would still listen to today—I’d have to say, alternative and classic rock, such as Jane’s Addiction, Pearl Jam, Jimi Hendrix, Dylan… but by my senior year in high school and early college, I was branching out into jazz (Coltrane, Miles…) and contemporary classical (Philip Glass, John Cage) and then just weird experimental stuff.

One of my recent favorites is the Icelandic composer Anna Thorvaldsdottir. Here would be an apt example of her work:


One of my all-time favorite Zeppelin songs, exquisitely rendered:


I’d love to learn to play this…thanks, it is luscious.

Marco I just requested the film, Loving Vincent, from my library. Are we going to announce anything at this point or wait until you are ready?

Not sure where to recommend a book by Frans de Waal: Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are. It’s chock full of fascinating studies and science philosophy: sharply questioning “human exceptionalism” and what is called “hominization” (not Teilhard’s version exactly), but that magic “spark” or “leap” that supposedly severed us from our “lesser” relations here on Earth.


Thought so … 'n deutsches Mädle. Know what you mean:


There Seems to BE a Pulse Moving Through This Thread…


I’ve just requested it too. Been having an extra busy few days… I will post a message about this now.

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Talk about Shakti.



Gimme some of that Ol’ Time Religion!


Jesus Surfing
Laughing Wine Jesus by Rochelle Walden

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