Being a wrestler in High School & learning to Dance with Life these last 66yrs,
One Feeling is Still with/in this incarnation of Soul,

With Heart Blessings,Care & Peace BE with You John & All Who Come to Visit Infinite Conversations!!!

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Beautiful, Marco!
I’ve raised Monarchs inside and out for many years and over the last year or so, a smaller variety has appeared. Healthy adults are normally the same (large) size, they are done growing when they emerge from chrysalis. But…in evolutionary theory there is a respected hypothesis that in tougher times, animals and plants often tend to become smaller, so maybe the smaller Monarch variety is an adaptation?? I hope so!
My porch-garden milkweed is budding/blooming…


Galactic-Earth Citizen

Being with the Dark

Without darkness, we are not just incomplete …
we fail to dream.
—Bear Guerra

We’re living in a world that is perpetually bathed in artificial light. We repel the dark. And yet, we live in the midst of what is often referred to as “dark times”—the realities of environmental crisis, inequality, pandemic, offer the most apparent signs of this. How can we be present and engaged in these dark times? What are we forgoing as we trade the ancient curiosity evoked by the night sky for the ceaseless illumination of artificial light?

Photographer Bear Guerra questions our collective discomfort with darkness, both literally and metaphorically. His photo essay “Dark Skies” invites us to reconsider our fear of the dark and to welcome the night sky as a window into mystery and awe. “Given the myriad ways in which we humans have all but severed our connection to the natural world,” he writes, “perhaps none will prove to be as profound as the loss of the night sky and of our connection to the dark.”

In these times of lockdown and isolation, gazing upon the night sky can connect us to a greater sense of space, beauty, and possibility. We are able to come into a relationship with something infinitely bigger than ourselves.

In five steps, this practice invites you to immerse yourself in nightfall. Whether you live in the city or in a place where the outdoors is more accessible, these practices are a guide for settling into the expansive wonder of the dark.


This is so inspiring, Michael, and a key part of a journey toward a living wholeness that refuses to continue dividing the world into enemies/opposites we feel the need to demonize and banish. Darkness and its many many symbolic “synonyms” are just as essential to existence/thriving to Life as light and its synonyms.
Endarkenment is a word I first leaned from a Buddhist teacher, trying to point to the hidden/subtle beauties and powers of those aspects of reality we try to overcome and/or ignore. Walking at night, night-lore, learning to navigate in the dark, have long been practices of mine, though I don’t get to do them as much as I would like. Thank you for bringing Darkness (as well as Light) into our Cosmic conversation.


You Attuned to this like a Blues/Jazz Ensemble
Thank U for Riffing with Me,I can’t play a instrument,I Play with Words,Images,Feelings,Thoughts & Vibrations in the Moment Of …Aliveness!


With you, Johnny, in the Family Mind, the Mind of Healing compassion…