Cosmos Café [4/30] - Free Progress Education

A Cosmos Café Microbrew - Introduction to Free Progress Education with Marco Masi

Recorded 26 April 2019

An introduction to Marco Masi’s Free Progress Education paradigm in preparation for the Cosmos Café on Free Progress Education 30th April 2019.

The conversation provides an access point into the background of Free Progress Education (FPE). It begins with the roots of Marco Masi’s envisioning of FPE while also identifying the roots of the current stagnant and detrimental state of several generations of top-down education. Masi envisions utilizing the various alternatives and trends in education to match with individual progress. What needs to happen is local, tangible infrastructure to make the incremental changes that are talked about but rarely enacted in the educational system.

Free Progress Education is a “futuristic vision of self-directed, project-oriented, direct-democratic and non-hierarchical learning communities.” A main goal of FPE is to carry this vision into the high school and university setting, but we are all included in this vision. As we note on the Infinite Conversation forum and through the Cooperative efforts here, we are taking our education from Cafés, Readers Underground groups and other Cosmic participation out into the street. Feel free to take this microbrew and share it with others!


  • Free Progress Education - Marco Masi
  • Life Divine - Sri Aurobindo
  • Mirra Alfassa
  • Greta Thunberg & Parkland students + activism
  • J.J. Kripal - The Flip
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