Cosmos Café: Season 1 [November, 2017 – March, 2018]

Thank you Geoffrey. Erin is a bridge, a conduit, (perhaps a prophet?) for long distance telecommunication from the atemporal into the felt language sense. I am imagining Kerri as our atemporal agent and Lisa @Lisa as our trusted guide for this newly accessed terrain…Stan Tenen busking as we stroll by, performing a Filipino wine dance . One could say it is the much needed connector, quietly and mysteriously paving a new by-pass, away from the major arteries and the 'structural tendencies."

I would like to "audit’ this discussion if possible. Mind letting us know when the ball starts moving?

guattari, deleuze, whitehead…need one have read these minor-giants to undersatnd manning? any supplemental resources for a better grasping of A Minor Gesture?