Cosmos Café: “The Evolution of Consciousness as a Planetary Imperative: An Integration of Integral Views," Continued [4/10]

The ones that tell you that Globalization is inevitable and there is nothing you can do about it are the ones you may want to avoid. Now that the the neo-libs and the neo-cons are at each other’s throats there is a window of opportunity to bring what has been underground into soft focus. There is plenty of material that can be accessed but many people dont know what to do with it. I had hoped that the Cafe could be a public space for airing out some of the hidden stuff that have been in the dusty attic for too long. We need to blow off the dust of the ancient tomes and start to re-imagine a relationship to how we know what we know.

I agree, Ed, that it is becoming harder for the few to hide knowledge from the many but I am concerned that premature cognitive commitments of those in cyberspace collude with these Globalizing regimes that are deeply anti-ecological. It is not easy to tease out the valid from the junk science. And the occult arts and the healing arts though widely used ( especially among the working class) can be destabilizing to the mavens of the post-modern matrix, who are trapped in 2D flat land and who have not read Steiner or Edgar Allen Poe but have absorbed Baudrillard and Foucault, and wrap themselves in reductive materialisms that justify huge expenditures of more capital to bank Silicon Valley snake oil.