General Guidance to Locate and Create a Cosmos Cafe Page

General guidance to locate and create a Cosmos Cafe page

Click on “All Channels” (yellow highlight below) then click on “Infinite Commons” in the dropdown box:

Click on “Cosmos Cafe” to reach the listing of past, current and future cafes:

Hover arrow icon (mouse icon) over the white plus sign encircled in purple (bottom right corner) then proceed to fill in the information (red circlings here and below) as you see fit.

If any assistance is needed, contact @Douggins or @madrush. This page will also be a wiki, able to be edited by others.

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This will change a little after we get the public calendar (on /, and integrated with the forum) operational, which is next on the list for @kayla and me. We will have an event creation form which adds the event to the calendar and also creates a corresponding topic in the forum.