This Week In Cosmos 3

Links to week of 24 June events:

Links to week of 17 June events:

References from the Recording


Sometimes clicking on a heart doesn’t convey enough. Doug, thank you for making me, and I think and know and see many others as well, feel seen and heard. God bless you!



Doug your use of your Hands & Voice activated this Imaginal found Image!!!


I love your video summaries, Doug, giving a kind of capsule understanding of the site and our diverse contributions. Awesome synthesis in an integral spirit!


~02:50 How does one spell symmathesy?
Did I nail it? That sounds lovely interesting!

I feel so bad/sad/mad that I wasn’t able to be a part of the Bateson reading group at this time. It is really so salient to my ongoing theme/work. I’m hoping to find a way to plug in as a latecomer and mine all your (group’s) brilliant commentary… @Douggins if you have any thoughts on highlights for me (or for a newbie to those meetups in general), where would you point us to? Which posts & videos?

I really like how these videos of yours, Doug, seem to help braid our different threads together… it really does, as @Geoffreyjen_Edwards says, give us a kind of “conception capsule” of Cosmos as a whole at this time. Thanks Doug for looking to Cosmos’ whole and how its whole mind may be evolving! Love the theme of our braiding – Andrew’s ideas, my ideas, Bateson, etc. – that you express so poetically in this video. Thank you for another great episode :clap: :smiley:

“We’re writers and we write each other…” :heart: beautiful imaginalings


Yes, indeed, « symmathesy », @care_save ! (Although at first I read, « how does one smell symmathesy? » which I thought to be also an eminently reasonable question!)


Wow, can scarcely believe I had such good luck with that first crack spelling! Very neat word! At least I can spell it, if not smell it, for the moment…


Thanks for doing this, Doug! I appreciate your observation about people being here because they want something ‘more’ to happen. I am really curious about this ‘more.’ I know I have my own ‘more’, but I wonder about the collective ‘more’.

How can I mesh with us mesh with all-of-us in ways the enhance each fractal expression along with the whole? I do feel this community at its best is a learning community—symmathesy in action. What can we envision (and actually create) together based on our processes of learning?

I still have a lot of catching up do with the threads, but this was a helpful encapsulation of recent discussions. Thanks again!