[UPDATED] No LIVE discussion Tuesday 7/25 and through August; back in September

Hi everyone, just a quick note that I will not be able to make our regular Tuesday calls this week or next.

This Tuesday, I will be meeting in person with @care_save and a couple people interested in with working w/ Cosmos on technology-related developments, which we need much more support with…and as I hadn’t had a guest lined up for this week, I’m making that conversation a priority.

Next week, I will be in Vancouver for the Participatory TecKnology Conference, hosted by the Human Data Commons (via Scott Nelson, an early supporter of our efforts here). If you’re in the Vancouver, BC area—or will be at the conference—let’s connect! Some background on the event:

As technology and consciousness increasingly interpenetrate and co-create one another, new frontiers of individual and humanity level health and well-being are made possible. The merging of visionary aspiration with technological capacity allows for never-before levels of tracking and influencing our biology, emotions, and mental states, as well as provides nearly infinite data to scrutinize with exponentially increasing analytical capacity. The big AND being – a bit of a buzz kill – that the human sub-conscious, it’s foibles and shadows, will be embedded in whatever we design. It is also activated, for better and for worse, by the technology we use. Can we pre-empt some of the down-side or collateral damage that are sure to accompany this evolutionary step before we find ourselves in deep shit with it? These inquiries and possibilities for shaping further inquiry, ethical best practices and more will be on the table at ParTecK 2017.

If I’m behind on replying to some threads and emails, I expect (hope) to catch up soon…

I plan to be starting up the live calls again on August 8th, with a report on the conference. I’m also working on lining up guests and topics beyond that, and announcing these further ahead of time.

As well, Caroline I have had some radically productive meetings in the past couple weeks, and have much to share re: ‘action plans’. We recorded a mega-update on cosmospheric ontogenesis earlier today, which I look forward to sharing in some form (though it may need some editing down first for succinctness) to invite your feedback and participation.

If you’d like to be a guest or suggest a topic for a future live talk, please message me or post your idea below. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

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An update on this, for those interested. Apologies for the late notice. After returning from Vancouver, I’ve had to refocus my energies and dropped the ball on this ‘every Tuesday’ commitment I had made.

Infinite Conversations LIVE will be back in September, potentially at a different time.

I’ve been working hard and almost non-stop over the past year, and I think I need the remainder of August to get some rest and complete an important piece of writing which is now due, as well as set the stage for the next few months at an organization level.

This Thursday is the last Bubbles live conversation, and I’m going to continue on to read Globes and Foam with whoever else is interested. I will also be available to help others set up their own reading groups or study circles. Just get in touch with me if you have an idea.

As mentioned elsewhere, I would like to cultivate a whole ecosystem of conversations here. Even if one cannot participate in every topic, it is nice to have various to choose from along with the cross-pollination of ideas, and there is often much to learn by eavesdropping. :female_detective:

I’m already working with various individuals on their respective projects, and really looking forward to bringing those forth (via Metapsychosis, A Theory of Everybody, and here on Infinite Conversations) over the coming months. And, now that I’m writing again, I can imagine finally serving some of my own poetic perspectives on salient matters, which have been (not always) patiently simmering. :amphora:

All in good time, of course…

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