240 Miles Above the Earth | Ron Garan

So…space tourism…? Is that what it will take?

“I was hoping we would at least travel 300 miles in this thing, Betsy… good Heavens! I could have spent my quarter million on that movie theater we talked about…then we could really see this stuff in VR 5-D!”
“Sorry Tom…this has been a major disappointment…yes, the theater.”

… the Earthrise image hasn’t shone its species-enlightening glory-light into all our eyes. Or changed the rotation of the earth happenings since it’s capture. And another TED-like philosophical presentation, with uplifting space ambient soundscaping and an experienced space cadet sure sounds nice to my ears. Anyone else listening?

I am glad that he (Ron Garan in the video) brought us back to Earth with this peak-experience. How do we p/reach past the space choir?
Is there an equivalent internal image, enlightening the human…a Soulrise? In order to grapple the depth of conscious conscientious Earthrise living, we need to do some crash landing into the earth for a reality check.

(This was meant to be enlivening! Maybe I’ll edit this when I rise in the morn…! Sorry to be a downer!)