Epistemology and Phenomenology of the Fifth Dimension, A Clean Language Re-presentation

Hello guys, another conversation on the topic! I´ve been reading and contemplating a lot on the puzzle, as I really have seen a great and meaningful purpose on the subject under construction here. But there are so many different pieces of knowledge to correlate, that, if you are motivated as I am, we could get what branch each one is more familiar with, and bring it in a complementary approach (as Neil Bohr would suggest, as to avoid the classical physics paradigm that insists to be used in scientific research). I have a lot of material extracts on the way, from Aristotelis, Kant and Leibiniz on metaphysics philosophy, Wittgenstein and Derrida on linguistics, Heiddeger and Bohr on quantum physics and Jung and friends on metapsychology. But, for today, I´ll just share some buddhist statements (without sutra references :neutral_face:)* aiming to answer some of Johnny questions. Thanks for reading.

  • Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra are related

I haven´t realized emptiness in a stable way, I just know how to describe it based on having completed the “sight” level of approach, recognized by a respected Lama. Emptiness is beyond form and is non-originated or subject to cessation. Emptiness sounds unconfortable for most people, as they tend to assimilate with nothingness, nihilism, and so on. But the true understanding of this “concept” is pretty fulfilling when the counterpart of clear awareness of unconditioned perception of reality (a gradual perfected experience - see 10 bhumis of enlightenment).

Maybe the ideia of God is closer to the point

When we talk about emptiness (or voidness) we are referring to the absence of individual, thus limited and conditioned, experience of reality. Therefore, a preliminary effort to eliminate conditioned experiences, is the realization that our sensorial, emotional, cognitive, conceptual thinking and self-perception are result of our processes of individuation, or ego development.

That process refers to the second noble truth of S. Buddha, that indicates the cause of suffering – our human karmic tendency of ignoring that those so-called five aggregates that leads us to perceive ourselves as an independent entity from our bodily-separated, world (the phenomena: people, nature, cities, society and so on).

So the preliminary effort we are talking about before is to realize the awareness of nonduality, that, in short terms means that our inner and outer world are co-dependent. In other words, the quality of our supposed external experience (that in our death-hour will be what we will remember as our lives) is influenced on how our inner world is configured.

I hope we can find out the answer to that one. The scriptures state extrasensory perception, and ultimately omniscience (10th bhumi). Lucid Dreaming is a factual practice among medium leveled students. The culture of a New World!

Thanks for the questions.